Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another late post

So again it's been forever since a post. So sadly I am posting about Easter and Brynnlee's last dance concert. My camera also broke so I have tons of other pictures and things to write about but they are all either on Austin's new phone (which sadly has more megapixels than my camera did anyway) or on my Dad's camera. So I need to download them to my computer sometime and then I will have more to blog about. But I also want to keep things in order so I will start with Easter and Brynnlee's dance recital which she did awesome at! I was so proud of her! She knew every move and had a big smile on her face the whole time.

I love how it looks like Brayden is trying to steal Tayson's candy while acting completely innocent.

Brynnlee with her Easter stuff

Tays with his Easter stuff

Right before their I'm a little Teapot dance

Her class watching the other girls dance

Brynnlee and her teacher Michelle Ashton

Brynnlee and "Grandma Reta" and of course her Rapunzel Doll that she was SO... excited about!! (Don't judge me. I totally bribed her with that to make sure she would do her dance!)

Brynnlee and Grandpa Farley

Brynnlee and Dad

Brynnlee and mom

Brynnlee with your rose her daddy got for her for her final performance!

Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Hope everyone had a Happy St. Patrick's Day! For some reason it is one of my favorite holidays! Weird right? I couldn't figure it out until yesterday when I decided it must be because when I was little my absolute favorite color was green and I remember every St. Patrick's Day we would have green milk and green eggs and green pancakes or waffles! I remember sitting at the breakfast table loving every minute of it! And that was the one day my dad would wear his class ring since his birthstone is emerald. Haha. I don't know why but it's some of my favorite memories. So anyway, I decided I needed to make it fun for my kids too. So I set up a little treasure hunt with Leprechaun footprints all over the house with clues written on the back. The kids LOVED it! They were running from room to room searching for the clues. Then we opened the fridge and found that the silly Leprechaun must've drank some of our milk because it was green! Brynnlee just couldn't believe it! We even had green waffles and eggs! I also made the kids some shirts (last minute of course! Someday I won't be such a procrastinator!)Haha. I just realized I'm even procrastinating not being a procrastinator. Oh geez. ANYWAYS... They loved the shirts too so all in all it was a pretty fun day. I had some fun games planned too but by the time we cleaned the house and got done looking for the Leprechaun it was time for Brynnlee to go to another dance performance. I hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day too.!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Poor Tays!

My poor Tays. This little boy has been through a lot the last few months. On Dec. 28th he got so excited watching Despicable Me that he jumped off his chair and somehow cracked his bone in his left arm just above the wrist. We knew he hurt it but didn't realize how bad it was! Finally on Dec. 30th we took him in just to make sure it was ok because he wouldn't use it at all and just let his whole arm hang to the side. He was still as crazy as ever though so we figured he was fine. Well as soon as the Dr. came in and looked at it he said "oh ya, it's broken right here, see you can see it." Ya that didn't make us feel bad at all that he had gone two days like that! So they took an x-ray to be sure and sure enough it was broken but not as bad as the Dr. thought it would be. But he wanted to go ahead and put a cast on it for three weeks. Tays actually did pretty good with it. He asked us to take it off that night after it wasn't so cool to him anymore and was a little upset that we wouldn't but he finally got used to it and after about a week realized he could use it as a weapon. Kinda scary! I'm glad he only had to have it on for three weeks though cause any longer and that thing would've stunk sooo... bad! I was already pretty nasty. Tays did really good when they took it off. He wasn't scared at all. Brynnlee ran away and hid when they turned the little saw on but Tays just calmly watched as they took it off.

So on Valentines day night we ended up taking Brayden to the emergency room because he was having a hard time breathing. They tested him for RSV which came back positive but since his oxygen was at 91% he was able to go home. They told us to keep a really close eye on him to make sure he didn't get any worse and give him breathing treatments every four hours. They also told us to do a follow up appointment with Dr. Watson the next day. So I made the appointment and then called them back a few hours later to see if I could also have him just check Tayson. He had had a cold for almost a week but was acting really lethargic all day and just slept, wouldn't eat or even drink anything which is so not like him at all and was pretty pale. So when we went in to the dr's office they checked Brayden's oxygen which was still in the 90's and they checked Tayson's and it was 84%. So Dr. Watson was pretty concerned about him and we did some chest x-rays and a breathing treatment and checked his oxygen again and it had only gone up to 86%. After looking at his x-ray Dr. Watson said his lungs were really tight and he needed to be put on oxygen to help him breathe. He sent us up to the hospital and admitted us. They checked him for RSV too which of course of positive. So we checked in on the 15th and he stayed until Friday morning the 18th. So we had to be kind of in isolation. Some of the nurses who came in would put gowns on to cover their scrubs and wear masks. Usually just the ones who had their own kids would so they didn't bring RSV home to their kids. So I stayed with him all during the day while Austin was in school and at his basketball games and then Austin would stay with him at night. I had to have Brayden with me of course but thankfully he's such a good little baby! Brynnlee just stayed at my mom's most of the time. It was hard not to see her or Austin for more than a couple of hours a day. The first day and a half Tays just laid on the bed but once those IV's got him hydrated and all the medications were helping his lungs to open up, by Thursday evening he was bouncing off the walls like his normal self. He pulled out his IV, kept unhooking his oxygen and unplugging the thing that kept track of his oxygen all the time. It was hard to keep him in the room. They let him go out a few times if he wore a mask and we could take him around in the wagon. He LOVED that. But because of his coughing fits he was still having he had to stay until Friday. So they diagnosed him as having Asthma and the RSV just sent him into a really bad attack. Hopefully it's something he'll grow out of but we'll see. I'm just so glad to be home and that we didn't have to stay too long. There was a girl in the room next to us that we had gone to high school with who had her little baby girl in there with RSV too. She is just a day older than Brayden. Poor Baby! Dr. Watson told me he had three patients that tested positive for RSV that Thursday. Scary huh!

Getting checked in at the hospital

Watching basketball after getting his IV in (He didn't even cry!)

The three of us hanging out all day long

Playing with all his different tubes

Watching a movie on my ipod and drinking his chocolate milk (The nurses got a kick out of how much chocolate milk he drank. They had to keep restocking it)

Getting his breathing treatment

My amazingly good baby!

My RSV boys
Starting to feel better once the IV hydrated him again
Showing off the car his nurse Annette gave to him!
Telling his nurse Candace he didn't want another breathing treatment
Riding the halls in his wagon (they even let us keep the wagon in his room since it was covered with his germs anyway)
Letting Brayden ride with him

Monday, February 7, 2011

Birthdays, Blessing, and Dance!

So this post is going to be another really long one. For some reason all the things that I always want to blog about happen all at once and then it takes me forever to put it on my blog! We had five birthdays all within a week. First was my sister Chalese's then my brother Jacob's, then Brynnlee's, and my Mom and my niece Kaylie. Brynnlee woke up on her birthday to her bedroom door and the kitchen decorated. She thought that was pretty cool! Maurcine and I had decorated the little table that the kids love to eat at. So they had Brynnlee's birthday breakfast (sad to say was just cereal) and Brynnlee opened some of her presents before her dad had to go to school. We then went to her cousin Kaylie's play group/birthday party. (Kaylie was born the day after Brynnlee!) I didn't think to take any pictures there but it was really fun. Brynnlee also danced at the North Fremont half time that night. So we were kind of running but here are some of the pics I took on her b-day.

Sunday was Brayden's blessing so we just waited until then to have Brynnlee's cake since both sides of the family would be there. Brynnlee wanted a Cinderella cake so that's what I attempted to do. It took forever to frost and of course I stayed up way too late the night before the blessing to finish it. But it was worth it! She thought it was pretty awesome cool. It was pretty heavy so I had my dad carry it into the other room.

My sweet little Brayden Austin Farley! Austin blessed him and it was so good! He always does such an amazing job. He never even sounds nervous! Brayden wore the same tuxedo that Tayson wore. So stinkin cute! And he was so good during the blessing. My dad said he was just staring up at Austin the whole time listening to the blessing. There was my brother Jacob, my brother Derek, my Dad, Austin (of course), his Dad, and his brother Kace that stood in the circle.

To celebrate all the birthdays that were going on we went bowling as a family and out to eat at JB's. Everyone was there except for my sister Keriana and her family and my Brother Derek. It was definately a large group!

Brynnlee has danced at three half times. Madison, South Fremont, and North Fremont. It's been so fun! I love their costumes! She has another recital coming up in March.